These are the rants of an anonymous Left-leaning Libertarian. Libertarian views are generally socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I view George Bush as the anti-Libertarian, he is socially conservative and fiscally irresponsible. Unless you are a very wealthy person, religious fundamentalist, or a racist redneck, I cannot understand why a person would support George Bush.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Bill Kristol is a Jackass

Bill Kristol is one of the Neo-conmen behind PNAC plans to invade Iraq. His dreams of an Iraq invasion have been realized . . . and virtually everything the neo-con crowd promised about the Iraq invasion has turned out the be complete wrong.

For example, on an episode of Terry Gross' Fresh Air at the war's opening weeks, Bill Kristol said "There's been a certain amount of pop sociology in America, that the Shia can't get along with the Sunni and the Shia in Iraq want to establish some kind of Islamic fundamentalist regime. There's been almost no evidence of that at all," he continued. "Iraq's always been very secular."

Oh really, Bill? . . . hmm . . . so who won the Iraqi elections? SCIRI. Let me spell that out for you "Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq". Oh . . . yeah, I'm sure they have no interest in setting up an Islamist regime.

And how are those Sunni and Shia getting along? Well, they are currently in a full blown civil war wherein around 100 people are getting killed each day.

So, it is completely obvious that Bill Kristol has absolutely no clue as to what he is talking about. Nobody should employ this guy as a commentator about foreign policy unless they want to get the opinion that is completely wrong.

Yet he persists. Isn't the definition of insanity "doing the same thing and expecting a different result."? Well these people are insane.

Bill Kristol is now talking about how we should launch some missiles at Iran such that the Iranian people will overthrow the Mullahs. How dare he even open his mouth? Who is giving this guy a platform? This guy has absolutely no credibility.


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