These are the rants of an anonymous Left-leaning Libertarian. Libertarian views are generally socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I view George Bush as the anti-Libertarian, he is socially conservative and fiscally irresponsible. Unless you are a very wealthy person, religious fundamentalist, or a racist redneck, I cannot understand why a person would support George Bush.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Bush spreading dictatorship to USA!

The only "reason" for the Iraq war to remain standing was to liberate the Iraqi people and spread democracy. However, things haven't gone very well in that regard. The Iraqi people are liberated from Saddam, but there is no security such that they are more likely to be arbitrarily killed than under Saddam. And there is a weak democratically elected Iraqi government that would probably fall within weeks if we pulled out.

Right now, America is re-evaluating its policy for Iraq since it has become a quagmire. The James Baker lead Iraqi Study Group (named similarly to the Iraqi Survey Group to try make people forget about that previous failed group?) has published its report which basically amounts to strategic re-deployment . . . or, as the right-wingnuts would call it, "Cut & Run".

So today, there is a story about how the Saudis have warned against a US pull out from Iraq. They supposedly said that they will financially back the Sunnis in fighting against the Shiia if we pull out. Some reports have said that they are already financially supporting the Sunnis.

Well that is just great. In a new record for irony, Bush thought he would spread democracy in the mid-East . . . but instead, American foreign policy ends up being directed by a mid-East dictator. Wow.


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