These are the rants of an anonymous Left-leaning Libertarian. Libertarian views are generally socially liberal but fiscally conservative. I view George Bush as the anti-Libertarian, he is socially conservative and fiscally irresponsible. Unless you are a very wealthy person, religious fundamentalist, or a racist redneck, I cannot understand why a person would support George Bush.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Ahmadinejad riles up his right-wing base

Iran's president Ahmadinejad has been mouthing off about Israel again and holding his silly anti-holocaust convention. What a jerk. Why is he doing this? Does he really plan on wiping Israel off the map? Of course not.

Ahmadinejad is simply spewing venom about Israel in order to curry support from his own right-wing conservative base. The right-wing base are suckers for nationalism, jingoism, and tough talk no matter what country they are located in. All you need to do is wrap yourself in your nations flag and thump the local Holy book. Right-wingers world-wide eat up that crap.

I don't think Ahmadinejad even cares if we launched an air-strike against Iran. In fact, he might be intentionally trying to get Bush to launch such an attack. Such an attack would solidify support for his party.

(I'm going to try to post on a more regular basis . . . it help me to get these thoughts out even if no one is reading them.)


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